Google has a daunting task. Imagine sorting through hundreds of millions of websites to determine who does what.
NOTE: This tip is NOT for businesses that service a specific area (i.e., you go to your customers), rather it is for businesses that have invested in a location that serves a local community (customers come to you).
Let Google know that you are a local business and that local people visit your business.
Here is how in 3 easy steps:
1) Copy this code into your favorite text editor:
<div itemscope itemtype=””>
<p itemprop=”name”>COMPANY NAME</p>
<p itemprop=”address” itemscope itemtype=””>
<p itemprop=”streetAddress”>ADDRESS LINE 1</p>
<p itemprop=”addressLocality”>CITY</p>,
<p itemprop=”addressRegion”>STATE</p>
<p itemprop=”postalCode”>ZIPCODE</p.
<p itemprop=”telephone”>PHONE NUMBER</p>
2) Replace the words in bold with your company information (name, street address, city, state, zip and phone number).
3) Ask your website developer to add the code to the footer section of your website’s source code.
That’s it! You’ve just added “Local Business Schema” and search engines know that you are a local business!